[잔인] 일본군의 놀이를 목격한 할머니

초꼬슴 작성일 24.10.25 13:25:25
댓글 2조회 663추천 2


The Japanese also did this in Indonesia when they invaded what was the Dutch East Indies. My Oma, a Dutch-Indonesian, witnessed some of the worst atrocities possible. She was only a girl and she lived with her Indonesian grandma (Japanese were targeting the Dutch/ Dutch Indonesians). She told me when I was younger about the Japanese throwing babies and catching them on bayonets. A story I’ve known for 30 plus years and this is the first time I’ve seen it depicted. I can’t imagine seeing this in person. 


일본이 네덜란드 동인도를 침략했을 때, 할머니(위 글쓴이의 할머니)는 일본군이 아기들을 던져 총검에 꽂고 노는 걸 봤다고 합니다

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