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아무런 근거 없이 이런 자료를 만드는 인간들은 무슨 생각으로 만드는 건지..
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내용의 출처를 적고 싶지만 주소랑크 적으면 안 되서 부분 발췌해왔습니다.
애드빌 -
Advil Liqui-Gels : One popular method of acne treatment is to puncture the capsule of a Advil Liqui-Gels and use the gel as a topical treatment. While the anti-inflammatory properties will help swelling to go down, the gel won’t absorb into the skin enough to make a difference.
리스테린 -
Maybe, but don’t do it. These dental products might dry up a pimple, Dr. Lucas says, but they can also make the skin dry, scaly and inflamed. In other words, don’t try it at home, opting instead for a benzoyl peroxide wash.