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영화바둑 작성일 05.08.25 18:44:19
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General - seo is betteerrr then pedro Subscribe
From: Base Ball 12:36 am
To: ALL (1 of 14)


seo is better then pedro

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3.0 (2 votes)

From: Base Ball 12:37 am
To: Base Ball (2 of 14)

131222.2 in reply to 131222.1



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From: royball 12:42 am
To: Base Ball (3 of 14)

131222.3 in reply to 131222.1

Sorry, I think that was Pedro in disguise. jk. No, but Pedro is a proven, consistent leader.

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From: metsfan4life328 12:48 am
To: royball (4 of 14)

131222.4 in reply to 131222.3

just because seo is hot right now doesnt mean 5 years from now hes gonna be putting up the same numbers

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5.0 (1 vote)

From: bigal2005 1:08 am
To: Base Ball unread (5 of 14)

131222.5 in reply to 131222.1

Lets not get carried away. Pedro is a 1st ballot HOF. Seo hasn't even played 1 full season yet.

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From: basebaiiii 1:13 am
To: Base Ball unread (6 of 14)

131222.6 in reply to 131222.1

relax killer.

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From: Base Ball 1:16 am
To: Base Ball unread (7 of 14)

131222.7 in reply to 131222.1

Yeah south koreans. Especially youngsters. Stop posting bs. Shame on you guys. How can Seo be better than Pedro? u fuxxing moxxn or should i say "michin nom". Pedro is the king of all pithers.Seo? hmm...He has to prove himself at least for 2 or 3 more years. I hope he will stay and play for the mets forever but...i can't trust his shoulder yet. sorry S.korean bros.

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3.7 (3 votes)

From: royball 1:17 am
To: Base Ball unread (8 of 14)

131222.8 in reply to 131222.7

again, repeating the already written: relax killer

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From: oscarkim 1:32 am
To: Base Ball unread (9 of 14)

131222.9 in reply to 131222.7

yo buddy! chill out...
he might not be a korean
could be a j@p who try to make mets fan upset
against korean player

i've seen a lot of similiar kind of posts in dodgers & rangers
forum ex) Park should receive a cy young award
Park is no.1 picther in all mlb......etc..

in korea it's 2p.m almost youngsters at class at this time
grammar school boy? i don't think so...
boys even do not know who is pedro they just concern
about picachuu....

guys! sooner or later you can face the post
'Except jae seo mets is nothing !'
please do not reply for above moronic post
just ignore it.
the post has intentional purpose i think

아하하하...첫번째 글 보고는 정말 한국 초딩이 가서 쓴게 아닐까 생각했는데...

마지막글 보고는 뒤집어졌습니다..ㅋㅋ

그런데 마지막글도 oscarkim이면 한국사람이 변명한거군요..;;;

정말 코리안리거 잘하면 한국 사이트 가서 자랑할 일이지..왜 말도 안통하는 저런 곳에다 저런글을 올려서 나라 망신 시키는지 모르겠습니다..


난해석 불가능.. 재밌는 부분 좀 찾아주세요 -_-;

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