OMGWTFBBQ! (엄창난 카드. 게임을 압도한다.) GeForce 7800GS (PCI-express version) Radeon X1800XL GeForce 7800GT GeForce 7800GTX Radeon X1800XT GeForce 7800GTX 512 Radeon X1800XT Platinum Edition (preliminary ranking; based on results from BIOS flashes for the plain X1800XT) Radeon X1900 All-in-Wonder Radeon X1900XT Radeon X1900XTX
(Please note that all italicized cards are not truly final yet, and are likely to not be placed with much of a degree of accuracy. As more reliable benchmarks pour in, their ranking will be revised) Anyway, if your card is on the "rock bottom" list, please, for the love of Akatosh, upgrade it; those cards don't support shaders at all, and don't even run Morrowind at it's fullest!
(이탤릭체로 쓰인 카드들은 아직 정확성이 부족하다. 퍼오면서 구분 안되게 됬군요-_-) (Rock-Bottom쪽 카드를 쓴다면, 새거를 질러라. 모로윈드도 안돌아간다)
For those who have cards in the "outdated" list, even if your card might still hold up, you'll still need to upgrade it. It may support pixel shaders, but not SM 2.0.
(outdated쪽이라면, 역시 질러라!)
If your card is in the "low end" list, I can assure you Oblivion WILL run on your system; it's just a matter of what your going to wind up sacrificing, be it a part of quality, resolution, or performance.
If you find your card listed as "mid range," don't sweat it. Things will run FINE, and you'll get plenty enough eye candy to satsify you. For those that need to upgrade, I'd reccomend looking at some of these cards first. These ones will last for at least a short while.
(mid range라면, 진땀 흘릴필요 없다. 잘 돌아갈 것이며, 눈이 즐거울 것이다. 적절한 업글을 원한다면 mid range쪽 카드를 둘러보는게 좋을것이다.)
If your card makes it to the lofty heights of the "high-end" list, rejoice! You have monstrous gaming power that will certainly eat up Oblivion quite greedily. Just remember to keep your drool bucket handy. (high end라면, 꺄악! 눈이 매우매우 즐거울꺼야)
Lastly, if your card makes it into the "OMGWTFBBQ" list, careful there, steady! You were starting to hyperventilate. Please don't pass out on the forums. And make sure your drool-catching bib is still firmly tied on. You're going to need it when playing.
(OMGWTFBBQ : 오 마이 갓 젠장 바베큐(라는 뜻-_-)급의 카드를 가지고 있다면 완전 뻑갈 준비를 하라. 떨어지는 침 받는 그릇을 준비하라. 필요할 것이다)