1944년 6월 20일 부상 뱃지(Wound Badge 20 July 1944)

행동반경1m 작성일 07.06.06 13:33:14
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1944년 6월 20일 부상 뱃지(Wound Badge 20 July 1944 / Verwundeten-Abzeichen 20 Juli 1944)


. 만든날 : 1944년 9월 2일


. 요구조건 :

  1944년 6월 20일에 Wolfsschanze에서 발생한 히틀러 암살사건에서 입은 부상이 있을것


. 수여자 수 : 24명

. 등급 : 금(Gold), 은(Silver), 검(Black) 등 3개의 등급이 있었다.



* 수여자 명단 1. Adolf Hitler
2. General Heusinger, Chief of the Wehrmacht Operations Branch of the Generalstab and Deputy Chief of the Generalstab.
3. General Korten, Chief of the Luftwaffe Generalstab, died of his injuries.
4. Oberst i.G. Brandt, Heusinger's deputy, killed.
5. General Bodenschatz, liason officer of the C in C of the Luftwaffe at Fuhrer HQ. Severely wounded in the legs.
6. General Schmundt, Chief Adjutant of the Wehrmacht and Chief of the Army Personnel Office, died of his injuries.
7. Oberstleutnant i.G. Borgmann, adjutant of the Fuhrer, severely injured.
8. Admiral von Puttkamer, Naval Adjutant of the Fuhrer, lightly wounded.
9. Stenographer Berger, killed instantly.
10. Kapitan z. See Assmann, Admiralty Staff Officer in the Wehrmacht Operations Staff.
11. General Scherff, Special Commissioner to the Fuhrer on the writing of military history, OKW, lightly injured.
12. General Buhle, Chief of Staff, OKW, lightly injured.
13. Admiral Voss, representative of C in C of the Kriegsmarine at Fuhrer HQ.
14. SS Gruppenfuhrer Fegelein, Waffen SS representative at Fuhrer HQ.
15. Oberst i.G. von Bulow, Luftwaffe adjutant of the Fuhrer.
16. SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Gunsche, adjutant of the Fuhrer.
17. Stenographer Hagen.
18. Oberstleutnant i.G. von John, Keitel's adjutant.
19. Major i.G. Buchs, Jodl's assistant.
20. Oberstleutnant i.G. Waizenegger, Keitel's Adjutant.
21. Ministerial Counselor von Sonnleithner, Foreign Office representative at Fuhrer HQ.
22. General Warlimont, Deputy Chief of the Wehrmacht Operations Staff.
23. General Jodl, Chief of the Wehrmacht Operations Staff, lightly wounded.
24. (seated immediately to Hitler's left) Generalfeldmarschall Keitel, Chief of the OKW.

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