[펌]나경원 아들(추정) 논문 추적 - 일면 부탁합니다. 여러분이 참여할 수 있도록

멀좋아해 작성일 19.09.07 21:34:31
댓글 4조회 1,164추천 11




여기에 어떤 분이 올리신 글에 대한 추가 조사 결과입니다. 


나경원 아들(추정)이 발표한 논문이 아래처럼 EMBC에 출원되었습니다. EMBC는 IEEE EMB산하에 나름 명망있는 바이오 엔지니어링 국제 학회입니다. 

공동저자로 서울대, 세명의 공동저자로 등제되어있네요. 1저자로 등록된 것 같습니다 




미국 고등학교는 이런거 많이 합니다. 대학가는데 아주 유리하거든요. 특히 IVY포함 Yale은 이런거 매우 높게 평가합니다. 

특히 Intel STS나 Intel ISEF등에서 semifinal 등에 가고, 학교성적 좋으면 IVY에 아주 가까이 갑니다. 

St. Paul이 있는 지역신문인 The Telegraph의 지역신문에 Hyunjo Kim의 수상결과가 나옵니다. 


링크 http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/life/health-lifestyle/2015/03/28/nashua-student-places-first-in-state-science-fair-heads-to-international-competition/

Nashua student places first in state science fair, heads to international competition

NASHUA ? A Nashua student placed first in the New Hampshire Science and Engineering Exthe state science fair for high school students, last week in Concord, and will be the first New Hampshire student to represent the state at an international science fair this spring.

Out of 125 high school students, Deepika Kurup from Nashua High School South placed first in the environmental science category, and first overall, for her design to purify water using sunlight.


She will also be the first student to represent the New Hampshire Science and Engineering Expo at the International Science and Engineering Fair, or ISEF, in Pittsburgh this May.

“Science fairs have always been a big part of my life, and I am very excited that other students in New Hampshire now have the same opportunities to compete internationally,” said Kurup.

New Hampshire had been one of a handful of states not participating in ISEF until this year, she said.

Kurup has been a part of the New Hampshire science fair since her freshman year, and said the competition has really evolved. Being the only representative from South, Kurup said she didn’t know anyone at the fair, but students were open with sharing ideas with each other.

“I’ve been able to see how the fair has grown, and how much the presentations have increased in quality,” she said. “The environment was really friendly, everyone was talking about their projects.”

Kurup’s project, “Novel Photocatalytic Pervious Composites for Removing Multiple Classes of Toxins from Water,” was inspired by the worldwide need for sustainable clean water sources. She first got the idea while traveling to India with her family where she saw the need clean water.

The portable, low-cost system works by using sunlight and a photocatalytic composite of titanium dioxide and silver nitrate. By adding a catalytic rod to water containers exposed to sunlight, most contaminants are eliminated after several hours.

The project and idea behind it has been internationally recognized over the past several years. Kurup received the 2014 U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize, the 2013 President’s Environmental Youth Award and the 2012 Discovery Young Scientist Challenge.

She was also included in Forbes’ 30-Under-30 list in its energy section, and recognized by Governor Hassan in her January inaugural address.

The event, which included students from central and southern New Hampshire public and private high schools, was held at the New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord. Students competed for prizes in separate categories such as physics and electronics, mathematics, biochemistry and behavioral science.

The top three winners overall were Kurup, Hyun Jo Kim from St. Paul’s School in second and Callie Cinque from Souhegan High School in third.

Hyun Jo Kim, from St. Paul’s School, took first in the engineering category for “Research on the Feasibility of Cardiac Output Estimation using Photoplethysmogram and Ballistocardiogram.”

Cinque placed first in Behavioral Science for the project “Can I Trust You? Exploring how gender and familiarity affect trust between teenagers.”

More than 70 judges with backgrounds in science and academics assessed the 75 research projects.

Tina Forbes can be reached at 594-6402, tforbes@nashuatelegraph.com or @Telegraph_TinaF.




해당 기사에 나온 New Hampshire State Science and Engineering Expo대회의 2015년 사이트를 가보았습니다. 





Expo 2015 was held on Thursday, March 19, 2015


Overall Winners for the Open categories in the 2015 NH Science & Engineering Exstyle="margin-bottom: 15px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 14px; vertical-align: baseline; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); list-style: none; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);">1st Place:  Deepika Kurup, from Nashua High School South (See: News from 2015 ISEF)

2nd Place:  Hyun Jo Kim, from St. Paul’s School

3rd Place:  Callie Cinque, from Souhegan High School


전체 2위를 했고, Engineering 부문에서는 1위를 차지했습니다. 




1st Place:  Hyun Jo Kim, from St. Paul’s School; Research on the Feasibility of Cardiac Output Estimation using Photoplethysmogram and Ballistocardiogram

2nd Place:  Olivia Hoover, Jared Brown and Warren Apple, from Nashua Christian Academy; Why do birds fly in a v-formation?


여기서도 확인했듯이 논문의 제목이 EMBC의 초록/논문과 일치합니다.

보통 이러한 지역 고등학교 과학 대회는 학생들 저자만 인정합니다. 대학교수가 도와줄수는 있어도 학생이 직접 써야 합니다.

서울대 교수와 같이 전문가/어른과 작업한 논문, 특히 EMBC같은 곳에 공동 저자로 참여한 논문은 Intel STS나 ISEF, 지역과학대회에 제출하면 안됩니다. 


Intel ISEF의 규정에는 아래와 같이 나와있습니다. 



Ethics Statement (윤리강령)

Integrity: Honesty, objectivity, and avoidance of conflicts of interest are expected during every phase of the research. The project should reflect independent research done by the student(s), and represent only one year’s work.


즉, 학생만의 연구여야하고, 1년동안의 성과만을 포함하여야 한다. 


결론을 내리면, 서울대 다니는 어른과 공동저자로 작성한 논문을 EMBC라는 국제학회에 제출하고, 같은 내용을 자기 혼자 작업했다고 고등학교 과학대회에 제출했다는 강력한 의심이 드네요. 

멀좋아해의 최근 게시물

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